Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Either Candidate Can Win.

It's interesting for me to see that everything I've been suggesting early on in my blogs, is now coming to fruition. A quick read of all my previous blog postings will prove that.

Almost from the beginning, I've said John McCain should pick/announce his VP right away to counter the Obama-mamas. Now it seems I'm hearing these same suggestions by the media, including the liberals.

Now, here are more predictions:
For McCain to win;
1. Apologize to America for not being a rock star, just a real person who really cares (sarcastic).
2. Pick your VP yesterday.
3. Clarify that you suggested Barack Obama go to Iraq and Afghanistan to speak with the troops and the commanders on the ground, not going to Paris, self-serving presumptive speeches in front of the Germany Gates or visiting the middle east was ever suggested. OBAMA IS REPHRASING WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY SUGGESTED TO JUSTIFY HIS WORLD TOUR. By the way, Obama looked absurd in a yamaka and from what I hear, he spent less than 45 minutes with our troops and more time working out in his Four Season's gym. I'd mention that 62 times a day.
4. Stop being so soft. You want to win? Be a bulldog.
5. Repeat after me: "Which would you rather have? George Bush's 3rd term or Jimmy Carter's know, the one who caused the energy crisis 30 years ago by gas rationing and a national 55mph speed limit?" Let's not forget our current US President has been trying to get us more energy independent from the very beginning, it was the democrats who kept stopping him (and still do.) Obama is a democrat. Guilt by association.
6. Do an infomercial. Show charts. Show graphs.
7. Even though the liberal media is clearly spending much more time with Obama, it's beginning to show signs of backfire. I've been saying that since the beginning.
8. Tell America you're only interested in serving 1 term to prove it's America first.
9. Obama is part Muslim, yet he denies it. Offer the proof not to hold the Muslim roots against him, but asking "why" he denies them and what he's trying to hide. I'd certainly think twice about his motives, wouldn't you? He keeps talking about his grandmother, uncle, etc. What about his half brother? What's he ashamed of? Why did he remove 2 Muslim women from behind him at one of his rock concerts?
10. Repeat after me: "Obama is a coward afraid of one-on-one debating."
11. Stop micro-managing your own campaign. It's blatantly obvious you're doing this and it's not helping you at all.
12. Wear make-up. Hire a producer. I'd never have allowed a cheese aisle backdrop. Neither would any competant producer.
13. Tell us why when you go to Iraq and Afghanistan, you downplay it because you're not into grand standing to win an election. This might explain why no press joined you while there...the 9 times you've been.
14. Choose Mike Bloomberg or HILLARY CLINTON as your VP. Ouch!

For Obama to win:
1. Choose Hillary as your running mate or you just might lose. She's less full of crap than you are and perhaps Bill Clinton can keep you all under control.
2. We can all see through the big speeches in front of big crowds as having little to no substance. How about agreeing to those debates you kept saying you'd be happy to engage in?
3. Lower yourself and go into the heartland. We all know this is beneath you, but try.
4. Hope more Americans are stupid to vote for you than John McCain.
5. Wear flip-flops to complete the look.

That's all for now.

I'll be back again soon saying "I told you so" once again.

Ron Maestri

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