I really wish these news people would do their jobs properly instead of hiding behind their own hidden agendas to get Barack Obama elected, no matter what he says. Their questions are shallow and they're clearly biased against McCain.
MSNBC's Chris Matthews is a joke. His show doesn't play hardball. It doesn't even play ball. His topic is always pontification about how Obama could make things better and any guests he invites on always represent either Obama's campaign or democratic strategists. Watch him for a week and you'll see how unbalanced the whole thing is.
NBC obviously sets the guidelines for "Morning Joe" by always having the spokesman from the Obama Campaign on during the 7AM hour, and if they're lucky, the McCain camp gets to have their say in the 8AM hour. Here's a reality check: 7AM has a much higher HUT level (households using television) during the week than 8AM. It makes sense since most people shower/get ready/leave for work by 8AM. So, let's call it for what it is.
MSNBC's Keith Olberman should issue disclaimers at the beginning of his shows "Attention: This show is slanted left. We hate the right and we are proud of it. Want unbiased? Go somewhere else."
And why are they all so quick to defend Obama's waffling on the war in Iraq? "Well, he still will bring troops home in 16 months." Reality check: your candidate clarified his position by saying he'd first consult with generals on the ground." Well, alright, then in 16 months if his generals tell him we should stay, then what? WHY AREN'T THESE QUESTIONS BEING ASKED?
We keep hearing how it was all Bush's fault we're in the economic mess we're in right now. Reality check: a democratically controlled congress has refused his pleas to drill domestically for more oil and have refused to make permanent his tax cuts.
Polls show most Americans believe themselves to be democrats, rather than republicans. Reality check: have you met average Americans? They have no idea what the differences are. They plan to walk blindly to the polls to vote for change without bothering to comprehend the ramifications. These are the same people who blindly signed for mortgages they couldn't afford because they didn't read the fine print, and are now in foreclosure. Obama votes 90+ times in the Senate to increase taxes on people earning over $32,000 /year. That means less money for those schmucks who think they're democrats.
Obama is a ho. He'll say/do anything to get himself elected. He said today that if John McCain wants to have a debate about the economy, I'll do it anytime. Reality check: John McCain has been trying to debate Barack Obama, but he keeps turning it down. He's too busy pandering to everyone about everything with his larger than life scripted speeches and he has an ego larger than the stadium he's decided to hold his convention in. How elitest is that? The whole mother, grandmother, food stamps garbage is a load of crap.
If news people would just set their own agendas aside and stay neutral like they're Columbia educators taught them to be, independents like me could cull the facts and make our own informed choice for president without being force fed, which causes resistance.
"Resistance is futile."
Ron Maestri
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