That New Yorker cartoon cover in yesterday's issue was GREAT. It was obvious sarcasm and it was very, very funny. Anyone without a sense of humor or lacking brain cells would see it as the Obama camp and the candidate himself. McCain should have never reacted to it except to say, "It's a cartoon. It's a joke. Ever read MAD Magaine?"
Remember that cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad wearing a hat of explosives and how it offended the Muslim community? Remember our reaction to such over-reaction to a dopey cartoon? Compare it to the same reaction from Obama and his crew.
Perplexing, isn't it?
Not really, when you consider the lengths Obama has taken (sorry, but the fish always stinks from the head, so I don't place the scapegoat blame for this on his underlings) to remove any hint of Muslims in his camera shots. It stands to reason this candidate would be overly sensative to a cartoon showing he and his wife celebrating the burning of a flag with a portrait of bin Ladin those over-reacting Muslims.
Perplexing, isn't it?
Here's more: Last week, Bill Clinton accused POW's like John McCain as suddenly losing it unexpectantly. This from a man who dodged the draft and never inhaled. I guess people like Bill are most likely to cheat on their wives with interns half their age.
Perplexing, isn't it?
Obama is finally going overseas to prove he can handle running things in both wars. But wait, he's stopping in Europe first for some croissants and more blowfish speeches beforehand and then it's off the Mid-East with a scheduled stop next week in the West Bank, announced everywhere. Perhaps if Mr. Obama really did have a handle on things, he'd avoid grand-standing his schedule for obvious security reasons. It seems to me everytime John McCain ever went abroad, it was always for a surprise visit and no pre-grand-standing. Not so for Obama who needs Chuck Hagel to hold his hand and breast feed him.
Perplexing, isn't it?
Finally, George W. Bush stepped up to the plate yesterday and lifted the executive ban on oil drilling in the Continental Shelf. It's purely ceremonial though until Congress passes legistlation to support the move. If I were the Democratic leadership, I'd be freaking out right now because obviously, they wanted their candidate to win and then be the one behind such a move. If they don't follow through, then I'd imagine the negative backlash by most Americans who support such a move will filter to their candidate, now dead even in the polls with John McCain. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.
Perplexing, isn't it?
Ron Maestri
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