Thursday, July 31, 2008

John McCain Hits The Motherload!

You can always tell when the McCain Campaign hits pay dirt: when the liberal media talk pundits openly despise their tactics. PAY DIRT!

David Schuster today on "Morning Joe" all but imploded about McCain's "ridiculous assertion" that Barack Obama should be held responsible for high gas prices. Oh, David. He opposes offshore oil drilling never "changing" his position and his party has consistently opposed "change" in their position directly conflicting with his "change" mantra. Here's an idea: CHANGE!

The new McCain ad comparing John McCain to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears is RIGHT ON. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made when I was thrust into working with Joan Collins was to tell her I was a huge fan of "Dynasty". Even though I never watched the show because I thought it was absurd, I thought I would win her over by playing into her ego. Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, WRONG! I could see her head inflate as I gushed about her later paying the price by a monster who tried walking over all of us. When she chewed up and spit out the Director on the first day and I inherited the task for the remainder of the shoot, my only success working with her was when I took control and treated her like a child.

This is precisely what Barack Obama has become, all the accolades and the press and all the attention overseas have turned him into a monster who all but said, "I am the Messiah" during his ridiculous prediction with the democrats. He has become a monster who believes his own dialogue, and that's dangerous. Joan Collins was clawing her way to the bottom, and if we elect Barack Obama to the highest job in the world, he will too, and even worse, I predict he'll bring us down with him because he thinks he can do no Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and all the other self-important celebrities I know VERY VERY WELL. They all self-destructed sooner or later.

When John McCain says, "Barack Obama is willing to lose the war to win this election", he's right. Obama prays for defeat so he'll get elected. Why would he visit sick troops without photos, press or hype? No photos. No press. No hype. Why won't he agree to any town hall debates as proposed by John McCain? Because he's as thin as the photographs he loves posing for.

Watching the liberal press seethe about where the McCain camp is heading inspires me. It plays right into the theory that you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Those who hate you purposely give bad advice. So listen, and do exactly the opposite. Their reactions to McCain's newest ads should paint the whole picture. While Obama is busy casting his audience, McCain should stay busy pointing it all out, as the spoiler who reveals all the magician's tricks. The real change candidate is and always has been John McCain. During a time of war, the last thing we need in the White House is another Joan Collins.

Ron Maestri

Monday, July 28, 2008

Keith Olbermann Must GO!

I forced myself to watch "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" Monday night because I thought I might have been a bit unfair to him in some of my previous postings. I'm a firm believer in evaluating fairly both points of view before making choices as do I'd guess most Americans, so I gave him another look.

I don't know any other way to say it except to just come right out and say, this man is embarrassing! Plain and simple. The entire show, not part, not most, THE ENTIRE SHOW WAS PRO-OBAMA, PRO-DEMOCRAT. Not once did he have ANY guest or point of view supporting the Republican perspective. For this show to air on a respected news network like MSNBC is appalling, and frankly, embarassing.

What do we think about the new John McCain ad chastising Barack Obama for his failure to visit ailing troops in Germany, choosing instead to play basketball? Let's talk to our first guest, the Obama Campaign Communications Director.

How bad is the McCain Campaign running these days with no clear strategy? Let's talk to our next guest, Rachel Maddow from Air America who wears "Democrat" on her sleeve and probably has a matching tattoo somewhere on her body.

How stupid is George W. Bush? Let's poke fun with quotes from his former Treasury Secretary, giving the audience the illusion of being fair to both sides. Forget the bad elevator audio, this stuff is good.

And what is it about Rupert Murdoch that Keith Olbermann has it out for? I watched with my mouth open a few weeks ago when Keith declared like a child "Ha ha Mr. Murdoch, see, I am successful and very, very rich. Nah." (I swear I saw him stick out his tongue afterwards.) Then, last night, it happened again when he roasted the Fox Business Network for its low audience levels as being less than 8000 people in daytime and "at this rate, it would catch up to CNBC in 2077." Of course Mr. Olbermann left out the part that CNBC's contract for DOW Jones probably wouldn't get renewed because News Corp. now owns them which would have a predictable impact on their numbers going forward, and that CNBC is carried throughout the world with greater penetration than Fox Business, on-air less than a year. If there ever was an apple to orange comparison, this was it. I too can read the ratings, Keith. I can make any show #1. I'm guessing Mr. Murdoch probably fired him from one of his sports networks or refused to hire him because of his reputation as being as completely unstable, which is why he left KCBS in L.A. (or was most likely asked to leave) and ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut. I know why Keith Olbermann isn't allowed to drive. He shouldn't be able to drive this train, either. make

Speaking of numbers and an audience, the point is to attract NEW VIEWERS and build an audience. There are already die hard Olbermann liberals watching the show (although I'd guess not for very long), but you can't grow unless you grow. That means broadening your horizons. Look left AND right. Let me be the judge, not you. Push me and I do the opposite. We all touched the fire when our parents told us we shouldn't, remember? Like guests on CNBC, Keith Olbermann should be required to provide full disclosure because he's obviously a Democratic supporter of zealots like Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), (whom Mr. Olbermann referred to on Monday's show) and whose own bill of impeachment was struck down by members of his own party as being too radically liberal.

MSNBC is a great network. "Morning Joe" is my favorite morning program, besting "Fox & Friends" for news value hands down. "Fox & Friends" has 3 commercial breaks to every one on "Morning Joe" and F&F can't even have a meaningful conversation with any guest without rushing them through it and either ending it abruptly or splitting the interview in 2 so they can tease, tease, tease and go to more commercials. They tease more than they report. But say what you want, Fox News Channel is fair and balanced and, for the most part, so is "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. Joe Scarborough, a Republican is very fair to both sides, sometimes even being a little more critical of the Republicans than most, but I respect him because he's honest and that's all I ever expect. Pat Buchanan, a Republican is fair. Andrea Mitchell, a great reporter, is fair. They step out of their skins to provide accurate analysis pro/con for/against both sides so independent thinkers like myself can make intelligent choices without being pushed. All in all, MSNBC is a great network and certainly deserves the moniker as "America's Fastest Growing News Network". Their anchors and hosts throughout the rest of the day seem to be fair, and I trust them to deliver the facts letting me decide, with opinion they don't hide under the guise of news.

I don't trust Keith Olbermann.

He's selling, pushing and force feeding one point-of-view down my throat for an entire hour. I kept asking myself, "What's in it for him?" My guess is that his cume rating is very low and his demo and household ratings are falling, as well. He's supposed to be counter-programming "The O'Reilly Factor" in primetime and not doing a good job of it. The only thing missing from his show was a lower 1/3 disclaimer throughout stating, "The following program is a paid advertisement for the Democratic Party." and V/O from Barack Obama saying, "I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message."

I'm predicting that the reason Barack Obama isn't as far ahead in the polls as he should be is because of "newscasters" like Keith Olbermann, who has the gall to 'humbly' refer to himself as such, keep pushing him on us. The writing is on the wall with the Desi Arnaz/CBS factor as my best example. "The more CBS told me not to hire William Frawley as Fred Mertz, the more I liked him", said Mr. Arnaz to Johnny Carson in one of his final interviews. I'm no newscaster, but I sure as hell know what one looks like. Keith Olbermann is no newscaster and Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy.

What was #1 on the Keith Olbermann Countdown Monday night? His foolish appearance on "The Soup" airing on E! It wasn't funny the first time and it sure wasn't funny played back over and over again by Mr. Olbermann, who was ogling himself. Here's another news flash: Keith Olbermann is not funny. I'd walk out of that comedy club faster than a speeding bullet if he were on the roster. My head hurts from rolling my eyes so much. Go back to Bristol, Keith. You're bad.

This show must go. I'd replace it with re-runs of "Captain Kangaroo" to save whatever is left of an audience, who I'll bet are beginning to lose interest in him too. There's only so much sell and hype one can stand on a day by day basis. Hell, I'll do it. I can beat Bill O'Reilly with my eyes closed and I could sure do a helluva lot better than Keith Olbermann, whose countdown to departure is the only thing NBC execs should be contemplating right this very moment.

Ron Maestri

"I Believe It Was Peace For Our Time."

Kudos to Brian Williams and his "Nightly News" staff for snaring an exclusive interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran while overseas with his friend and mine, Barack Obama. NBC should be proud of Mr. Williams, who wasted no time gushing about his prize throughout the day on MSNBC. Asked to set up the story and draw a conclusion, Mr. Williams let the cat out of the bag and proclaimed what he single-handedly achieved by getting the Iranian President to agree to freezing his countries' nuclear enrichment, "I believe it was peace for our time", said Mr. Williams.

Clearly there was absolutely no political influence intended by the Iranians, who invented the game of chess, to influence the presidential election against John McCain (a strong national defense Republican) by granting the exclusive with a member of the liberal media. Oh, did I mention Barack Obama is also a liberal? They'd rather switch than fight.

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. We can certainly trust those Iranians. It's not in their nature to say one thing and do another.

Alright, alright. Enough praise. Let's get right to the interview, a first of its' kind moment as history repeats itself, thanks to Brian Williams.

(Applause sign)

Brian Williams: "Mr. President, will you agree to suspend your countries' nuclear enrichment?"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farsi)
Translator: "We want peace. We're a wonderful country. Walk around. See the sights. Feed the animals. Ride our women."
Brian Williams: "You've said you think Israel should be wiped off the map"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farsi)
Translator: "L'chaim".
Brian Williams: "Can we really trust you?"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farts)
Translator: "The President invites you to sign the agreement he has prepared during his recent visit to Munich, as proof he won't invade Poland, Mr. Chamberlain.""
Brian Williams: "But I'm Brian Williams."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Translator in unison: "Heil!"

Good job, Brian. Keep it up. Better get ready for that audience with The Queen.

Ron Maestri

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama Can Run, But He Can't Hide.

Behind the mask, I can see the who the real Barack Obama really is. My only hope is that the majority of Americans can too before it's too late or frankly, we're in a heap of trouble.

His "World Concert Tour" showed us he knew how to pose for the camera in all the right settings: aboard military choppers seated next to General Patraeus, playing hoops with the troops, eating with the troops, pretending to be being humbled by all the press, etc., etc., etc. "Please, no this my good side?"

But for those of us far more astute and less one dimensional, we saw without ever seeing his failure to spend even one minute with our wounded soldiers, declaring the Pentagon as his scapegoat because 'they wouldn't allow all the press.' (cue playback of baby sucking thumb). Here's an idea: how about doing it alone? Not a chance, don't be ridiculous. You know the rules of the Obama Campaign. Like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan, they refuse to go anywhere unless there's lots of publicity, or why bother? It's a must to call ahead insuring lots of fans and plenty of press. "I'm so surprised you're all here. Are you sure this is my good side?"

He says this, then says that, then says this again trying to confuse us into thinking that's what he's been saying all along. "Now how many fingers am I holding up?"

He speaks with our commanders on the ground, but doesn't listen because it's the democrats that are his real constituents, not us. He isn't a leader, he's a follower. "Stop everything. I need to take this conference call from Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and" Even though he probably should, he probably won't pick Hillary as his VP. Why? Because she upstages him, and Barack won't have any of that. I've worked with Joan Collins, too. I can smell a diva a mile away. It's not pretty.

It's high time John McCain take a few lessons from the Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush campaign playbooks. "Hit them where it hurts". Stop being so lack thereof, and start kicking and scratching at this bratty kid you're running against whose only claim to fame is 3 minutes in the Senate, cleaning up a neighborhood and kissy face with Oprah.

To win this election and save us from ourselves, John McCain needs to re-run the Ronald Reagan/Jimmy Carter debate (if you could call it that) when Mr. Reagan asked point blank, "Ask yourselves if you're much better off today than you were 4 years ago", and ask Americans today a similar type question, "If Iran becomes a nuclear power, who would you rather have as your Commander-in-Chief?"Say what you will about George W. Bush, but when the Twin Towers were destroyed, I thanked God he was in the Oval Office and not Al Gore, or we'd still be begging the UN for permission to use the restroom and the Taliban would still be in Afghanistan using us.

The world stage doesn't need a rock star. I'll see your Elton and Bono for a real leader. That trumps both of them hands down. We should be thinking about Iran and Israel, not how far a presidential candidate can make hoop shots.

If that's the case, I'd rather have Kobe Bryant. Maybe that's who John McCain should name as his VP to wean us from all this foolishness.

Ron Maestri

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Either Candidate Can Win.

It's interesting for me to see that everything I've been suggesting early on in my blogs, is now coming to fruition. A quick read of all my previous blog postings will prove that.

Almost from the beginning, I've said John McCain should pick/announce his VP right away to counter the Obama-mamas. Now it seems I'm hearing these same suggestions by the media, including the liberals.

Now, here are more predictions:
For McCain to win;
1. Apologize to America for not being a rock star, just a real person who really cares (sarcastic).
2. Pick your VP yesterday.
3. Clarify that you suggested Barack Obama go to Iraq and Afghanistan to speak with the troops and the commanders on the ground, not going to Paris, self-serving presumptive speeches in front of the Germany Gates or visiting the middle east was ever suggested. OBAMA IS REPHRASING WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY SUGGESTED TO JUSTIFY HIS WORLD TOUR. By the way, Obama looked absurd in a yamaka and from what I hear, he spent less than 45 minutes with our troops and more time working out in his Four Season's gym. I'd mention that 62 times a day.
4. Stop being so soft. You want to win? Be a bulldog.
5. Repeat after me: "Which would you rather have? George Bush's 3rd term or Jimmy Carter's know, the one who caused the energy crisis 30 years ago by gas rationing and a national 55mph speed limit?" Let's not forget our current US President has been trying to get us more energy independent from the very beginning, it was the democrats who kept stopping him (and still do.) Obama is a democrat. Guilt by association.
6. Do an infomercial. Show charts. Show graphs.
7. Even though the liberal media is clearly spending much more time with Obama, it's beginning to show signs of backfire. I've been saying that since the beginning.
8. Tell America you're only interested in serving 1 term to prove it's America first.
9. Obama is part Muslim, yet he denies it. Offer the proof not to hold the Muslim roots against him, but asking "why" he denies them and what he's trying to hide. I'd certainly think twice about his motives, wouldn't you? He keeps talking about his grandmother, uncle, etc. What about his half brother? What's he ashamed of? Why did he remove 2 Muslim women from behind him at one of his rock concerts?
10. Repeat after me: "Obama is a coward afraid of one-on-one debating."
11. Stop micro-managing your own campaign. It's blatantly obvious you're doing this and it's not helping you at all.
12. Wear make-up. Hire a producer. I'd never have allowed a cheese aisle backdrop. Neither would any competant producer.
13. Tell us why when you go to Iraq and Afghanistan, you downplay it because you're not into grand standing to win an election. This might explain why no press joined you while there...the 9 times you've been.
14. Choose Mike Bloomberg or HILLARY CLINTON as your VP. Ouch!

For Obama to win:
1. Choose Hillary as your running mate or you just might lose. She's less full of crap than you are and perhaps Bill Clinton can keep you all under control.
2. We can all see through the big speeches in front of big crowds as having little to no substance. How about agreeing to those debates you kept saying you'd be happy to engage in?
3. Lower yourself and go into the heartland. We all know this is beneath you, but try.
4. Hope more Americans are stupid to vote for you than John McCain.
5. Wear flip-flops to complete the look.

That's all for now.

I'll be back again soon saying "I told you so" once again.

Ron Maestri

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Political Warshack Test.

First reactions to what's happening right now in politics.

1. On Dr. Zbigniew Brzenzski's interview on "Morning Joe" when asked about his advice to the next president-elect about Iran, "Negotiate by threatening stiffer sanctions"
---Just to be clear, you were Jimmy Carter's former national security advisor, the weak, pacifest US President who completely failed winning the freedom over 400 hostages abducted in Iran (and who single-handedly caused the Arab World to consider all Americans "weak" as a result)?

2. On Barack Obama's trip to Iraq-Afghanistan "bonding" with the troops to prove he's ready to be commander-in-chief?
---I could wear a lab coat and pretend to be doctor, too.

3. On Barack Obama's flip-flopping from one minute to the next?
---My neck hurts.

4. On John McCain's ability to convey his points clearly and effective public speaking?
---A crash course with Toastmasters should happen yesterday.

5. On the right answer of both presidential candidates when asked "In 2 words or less, what would be your response to Iran's threats against Israel?"
---Nuke 'em.

6. On San Francisco's ballot measure to change the name of the Oceanside Sewage Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Facility.

7. On the liberal media's obvious, blatant love affair with Barack Obama?
---I'm now wearing a condom full-time.

8. On the title change I'm proposing for "Countdown with Keith Olberman" on MSNBC?
---Democrats "R" Us.

9. On the New York Time's refusal to print John McCain's oped, responding to Barack Obama's?
---Be afraid. Be very afraid.

10. On General Wesley Clark's advice on anything?
---Weren't you fired?

11. On democrats' (and Obama included) refusal to allow oil drilling, shale refining, nuclear facility building to wean America's independence on foreign oil?
---(See answer #1)

Well, there it is.

Ron Maestri

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Post Office.

I hate standing in line at the Post Office, but I still go because it's a necessary evil. Everyone thought it was a good idea, but now that I'm there, I realize I'm stuck standing in that line which is longer than I ever thought. It really makes no difference about whether or not I'm happy with my choice to go. I've started and now I need to finish or I've accomplished nothing.

I could leave early and go to another Post Office, but in the time it takes me to regroup and travel the distance to find another, I might just find the line to be even longer than the last and ultimately, what I thought could save me time ended up costing me so much more.

Ron Maestri