Saturday, July 19, 2008

No Doubt Hillary as VP

It's quite simple deduction. If Barack Obama wants to win The White House, he will add Hillary Clinton as his VP to the ticket. Since Mr. Obama has already proven he will say/do anything to get votes including selling his children, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind he'll choose Mrs. Clinton, even though he hates her for one simple reason: she upstages him. If I were advising him, I'd say, "Senator. Do you want to win or not? Then choose her. Put up with her. Get over it."

The whole Bill thing is just a diversion. Hillary upstages Barack and he knows it. His wife Michelle also hates her because she gets a lot more attention than her and her two kids, Malaria and Kasha..

You don't have to be a brain surgeon to see it.

Well, there it is.

Ron Maestri