Saturday, July 19, 2008

Independent Speak

I'm a newly registered independent because I'm tired of hearing, "Do the right thing for the good of the party." Screw party politics! Now that Barack Obama is the presumptive nominee for the democrats, his thin soundbites will go from 'change, change, change' to 'do what's good for the party.' You mean the party who has controlled congress for the last 3 years and done nothing for me, an American? You mean the same party that screwed their own candidate and 2 states in the process of a debacle called delegate and vote counting? Hey Barack, smell the coffee. What are you going to do for me? What's your plan (not a soundbite) for lowering gas prices and making us more energy independent? What's your plan to make my country safer? What do you plan to do to lower taxes? How do you expect to get this monstrosity called government out of our way? Do you even know what you're doing, or are you another captain of the Titanic who was too damn stubborn to heed iceburg warnings? Why haven't you visited Iraq in over 900 days? Your excuse that you don't have to go because you can plan from here are like saying there's no need to see the beauty of Alaska up close, you get everything you need from the brochures.

Republicans suck too. Will someone please tell Mr. McCain to wear some damn make-up on camera? It's not brain surgery. Amateurs are running his campaign, because the most obvious, stupid mistakes keep getting made. His snickering comes off as sinister. His ridiculous speeches in front of a handful of supporters and a puke green background look small, not big. And for god sakes, watch the damn news. All the pundits have practically written the map for success, yet he keeps doing the opposite and staying the laughing stock.

A lot of very stupid, easily fooled people live in this country. They're falling for the change from an attractive young black man crap. Barack Obama is the 21st century's Jimmy Carter, destined to become the worst, weakest president in our nation's history if we're foolish enough to elect him without hearing about the steak, not just the sizzle..

Hey McCain...use this stuff.

Ron Maestri

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