Thursday, July 31, 2008

John McCain Hits The Motherload!

You can always tell when the McCain Campaign hits pay dirt: when the liberal media talk pundits openly despise their tactics. PAY DIRT!

David Schuster today on "Morning Joe" all but imploded about McCain's "ridiculous assertion" that Barack Obama should be held responsible for high gas prices. Oh, David. He opposes offshore oil drilling never "changing" his position and his party has consistently opposed "change" in their position directly conflicting with his "change" mantra. Here's an idea: CHANGE!

The new McCain ad comparing John McCain to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears is RIGHT ON. One of the biggest mistakes I ever made when I was thrust into working with Joan Collins was to tell her I was a huge fan of "Dynasty". Even though I never watched the show because I thought it was absurd, I thought I would win her over by playing into her ego. Absolutely, positively, without a doubt, WRONG! I could see her head inflate as I gushed about her later paying the price by a monster who tried walking over all of us. When she chewed up and spit out the Director on the first day and I inherited the task for the remainder of the shoot, my only success working with her was when I took control and treated her like a child.

This is precisely what Barack Obama has become, all the accolades and the press and all the attention overseas have turned him into a monster who all but said, "I am the Messiah" during his ridiculous prediction with the democrats. He has become a monster who believes his own dialogue, and that's dangerous. Joan Collins was clawing her way to the bottom, and if we elect Barack Obama to the highest job in the world, he will too, and even worse, I predict he'll bring us down with him because he thinks he can do no Paris Hilton, Britney Spears and all the other self-important celebrities I know VERY VERY WELL. They all self-destructed sooner or later.

When John McCain says, "Barack Obama is willing to lose the war to win this election", he's right. Obama prays for defeat so he'll get elected. Why would he visit sick troops without photos, press or hype? No photos. No press. No hype. Why won't he agree to any town hall debates as proposed by John McCain? Because he's as thin as the photographs he loves posing for.

Watching the liberal press seethe about where the McCain camp is heading inspires me. It plays right into the theory that you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Those who hate you purposely give bad advice. So listen, and do exactly the opposite. Their reactions to McCain's newest ads should paint the whole picture. While Obama is busy casting his audience, McCain should stay busy pointing it all out, as the spoiler who reveals all the magician's tricks. The real change candidate is and always has been John McCain. During a time of war, the last thing we need in the White House is another Joan Collins.

Ron Maestri

Monday, July 28, 2008

Keith Olbermann Must GO!

I forced myself to watch "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" Monday night because I thought I might have been a bit unfair to him in some of my previous postings. I'm a firm believer in evaluating fairly both points of view before making choices as do I'd guess most Americans, so I gave him another look.

I don't know any other way to say it except to just come right out and say, this man is embarrassing! Plain and simple. The entire show, not part, not most, THE ENTIRE SHOW WAS PRO-OBAMA, PRO-DEMOCRAT. Not once did he have ANY guest or point of view supporting the Republican perspective. For this show to air on a respected news network like MSNBC is appalling, and frankly, embarassing.

What do we think about the new John McCain ad chastising Barack Obama for his failure to visit ailing troops in Germany, choosing instead to play basketball? Let's talk to our first guest, the Obama Campaign Communications Director.

How bad is the McCain Campaign running these days with no clear strategy? Let's talk to our next guest, Rachel Maddow from Air America who wears "Democrat" on her sleeve and probably has a matching tattoo somewhere on her body.

How stupid is George W. Bush? Let's poke fun with quotes from his former Treasury Secretary, giving the audience the illusion of being fair to both sides. Forget the bad elevator audio, this stuff is good.

And what is it about Rupert Murdoch that Keith Olbermann has it out for? I watched with my mouth open a few weeks ago when Keith declared like a child "Ha ha Mr. Murdoch, see, I am successful and very, very rich. Nah." (I swear I saw him stick out his tongue afterwards.) Then, last night, it happened again when he roasted the Fox Business Network for its low audience levels as being less than 8000 people in daytime and "at this rate, it would catch up to CNBC in 2077." Of course Mr. Olbermann left out the part that CNBC's contract for DOW Jones probably wouldn't get renewed because News Corp. now owns them which would have a predictable impact on their numbers going forward, and that CNBC is carried throughout the world with greater penetration than Fox Business, on-air less than a year. If there ever was an apple to orange comparison, this was it. I too can read the ratings, Keith. I can make any show #1. I'm guessing Mr. Murdoch probably fired him from one of his sports networks or refused to hire him because of his reputation as being as completely unstable, which is why he left KCBS in L.A. (or was most likely asked to leave) and ESPN in Bristol, Connecticut. I know why Keith Olbermann isn't allowed to drive. He shouldn't be able to drive this train, either. make

Speaking of numbers and an audience, the point is to attract NEW VIEWERS and build an audience. There are already die hard Olbermann liberals watching the show (although I'd guess not for very long), but you can't grow unless you grow. That means broadening your horizons. Look left AND right. Let me be the judge, not you. Push me and I do the opposite. We all touched the fire when our parents told us we shouldn't, remember? Like guests on CNBC, Keith Olbermann should be required to provide full disclosure because he's obviously a Democratic supporter of zealots like Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), (whom Mr. Olbermann referred to on Monday's show) and whose own bill of impeachment was struck down by members of his own party as being too radically liberal.

MSNBC is a great network. "Morning Joe" is my favorite morning program, besting "Fox & Friends" for news value hands down. "Fox & Friends" has 3 commercial breaks to every one on "Morning Joe" and F&F can't even have a meaningful conversation with any guest without rushing them through it and either ending it abruptly or splitting the interview in 2 so they can tease, tease, tease and go to more commercials. They tease more than they report. But say what you want, Fox News Channel is fair and balanced and, for the most part, so is "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. Joe Scarborough, a Republican is very fair to both sides, sometimes even being a little more critical of the Republicans than most, but I respect him because he's honest and that's all I ever expect. Pat Buchanan, a Republican is fair. Andrea Mitchell, a great reporter, is fair. They step out of their skins to provide accurate analysis pro/con for/against both sides so independent thinkers like myself can make intelligent choices without being pushed. All in all, MSNBC is a great network and certainly deserves the moniker as "America's Fastest Growing News Network". Their anchors and hosts throughout the rest of the day seem to be fair, and I trust them to deliver the facts letting me decide, with opinion they don't hide under the guise of news.

I don't trust Keith Olbermann.

He's selling, pushing and force feeding one point-of-view down my throat for an entire hour. I kept asking myself, "What's in it for him?" My guess is that his cume rating is very low and his demo and household ratings are falling, as well. He's supposed to be counter-programming "The O'Reilly Factor" in primetime and not doing a good job of it. The only thing missing from his show was a lower 1/3 disclaimer throughout stating, "The following program is a paid advertisement for the Democratic Party." and V/O from Barack Obama saying, "I'm Barack Obama and I approved this message."

I'm predicting that the reason Barack Obama isn't as far ahead in the polls as he should be is because of "newscasters" like Keith Olbermann, who has the gall to 'humbly' refer to himself as such, keep pushing him on us. The writing is on the wall with the Desi Arnaz/CBS factor as my best example. "The more CBS told me not to hire William Frawley as Fred Mertz, the more I liked him", said Mr. Arnaz to Johnny Carson in one of his final interviews. I'm no newscaster, but I sure as hell know what one looks like. Keith Olbermann is no newscaster and Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy.

What was #1 on the Keith Olbermann Countdown Monday night? His foolish appearance on "The Soup" airing on E! It wasn't funny the first time and it sure wasn't funny played back over and over again by Mr. Olbermann, who was ogling himself. Here's another news flash: Keith Olbermann is not funny. I'd walk out of that comedy club faster than a speeding bullet if he were on the roster. My head hurts from rolling my eyes so much. Go back to Bristol, Keith. You're bad.

This show must go. I'd replace it with re-runs of "Captain Kangaroo" to save whatever is left of an audience, who I'll bet are beginning to lose interest in him too. There's only so much sell and hype one can stand on a day by day basis. Hell, I'll do it. I can beat Bill O'Reilly with my eyes closed and I could sure do a helluva lot better than Keith Olbermann, whose countdown to departure is the only thing NBC execs should be contemplating right this very moment.

Ron Maestri

"I Believe It Was Peace For Our Time."

Kudos to Brian Williams and his "Nightly News" staff for snaring an exclusive interview with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran while overseas with his friend and mine, Barack Obama. NBC should be proud of Mr. Williams, who wasted no time gushing about his prize throughout the day on MSNBC. Asked to set up the story and draw a conclusion, Mr. Williams let the cat out of the bag and proclaimed what he single-handedly achieved by getting the Iranian President to agree to freezing his countries' nuclear enrichment, "I believe it was peace for our time", said Mr. Williams.

Clearly there was absolutely no political influence intended by the Iranians, who invented the game of chess, to influence the presidential election against John McCain (a strong national defense Republican) by granting the exclusive with a member of the liberal media. Oh, did I mention Barack Obama is also a liberal? They'd rather switch than fight.

Just a coincidence, I'm sure. We can certainly trust those Iranians. It's not in their nature to say one thing and do another.

Alright, alright. Enough praise. Let's get right to the interview, a first of its' kind moment as history repeats itself, thanks to Brian Williams.

(Applause sign)

Brian Williams: "Mr. President, will you agree to suspend your countries' nuclear enrichment?"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farsi)
Translator: "We want peace. We're a wonderful country. Walk around. See the sights. Feed the animals. Ride our women."
Brian Williams: "You've said you think Israel should be wiped off the map"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farsi)
Translator: "L'chaim".
Brian Williams: "Can we really trust you?"
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: (Farts)
Translator: "The President invites you to sign the agreement he has prepared during his recent visit to Munich, as proof he won't invade Poland, Mr. Chamberlain.""
Brian Williams: "But I'm Brian Williams."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Translator in unison: "Heil!"

Good job, Brian. Keep it up. Better get ready for that audience with The Queen.

Ron Maestri

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama Can Run, But He Can't Hide.

Behind the mask, I can see the who the real Barack Obama really is. My only hope is that the majority of Americans can too before it's too late or frankly, we're in a heap of trouble.

His "World Concert Tour" showed us he knew how to pose for the camera in all the right settings: aboard military choppers seated next to General Patraeus, playing hoops with the troops, eating with the troops, pretending to be being humbled by all the press, etc., etc., etc. "Please, no this my good side?"

But for those of us far more astute and less one dimensional, we saw without ever seeing his failure to spend even one minute with our wounded soldiers, declaring the Pentagon as his scapegoat because 'they wouldn't allow all the press.' (cue playback of baby sucking thumb). Here's an idea: how about doing it alone? Not a chance, don't be ridiculous. You know the rules of the Obama Campaign. Like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton or Lindsay Lohan, they refuse to go anywhere unless there's lots of publicity, or why bother? It's a must to call ahead insuring lots of fans and plenty of press. "I'm so surprised you're all here. Are you sure this is my good side?"

He says this, then says that, then says this again trying to confuse us into thinking that's what he's been saying all along. "Now how many fingers am I holding up?"

He speaks with our commanders on the ground, but doesn't listen because it's the democrats that are his real constituents, not us. He isn't a leader, he's a follower. "Stop everything. I need to take this conference call from Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and" Even though he probably should, he probably won't pick Hillary as his VP. Why? Because she upstages him, and Barack won't have any of that. I've worked with Joan Collins, too. I can smell a diva a mile away. It's not pretty.

It's high time John McCain take a few lessons from the Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush campaign playbooks. "Hit them where it hurts". Stop being so lack thereof, and start kicking and scratching at this bratty kid you're running against whose only claim to fame is 3 minutes in the Senate, cleaning up a neighborhood and kissy face with Oprah.

To win this election and save us from ourselves, John McCain needs to re-run the Ronald Reagan/Jimmy Carter debate (if you could call it that) when Mr. Reagan asked point blank, "Ask yourselves if you're much better off today than you were 4 years ago", and ask Americans today a similar type question, "If Iran becomes a nuclear power, who would you rather have as your Commander-in-Chief?"Say what you will about George W. Bush, but when the Twin Towers were destroyed, I thanked God he was in the Oval Office and not Al Gore, or we'd still be begging the UN for permission to use the restroom and the Taliban would still be in Afghanistan using us.

The world stage doesn't need a rock star. I'll see your Elton and Bono for a real leader. That trumps both of them hands down. We should be thinking about Iran and Israel, not how far a presidential candidate can make hoop shots.

If that's the case, I'd rather have Kobe Bryant. Maybe that's who John McCain should name as his VP to wean us from all this foolishness.

Ron Maestri

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Either Candidate Can Win.

It's interesting for me to see that everything I've been suggesting early on in my blogs, is now coming to fruition. A quick read of all my previous blog postings will prove that.

Almost from the beginning, I've said John McCain should pick/announce his VP right away to counter the Obama-mamas. Now it seems I'm hearing these same suggestions by the media, including the liberals.

Now, here are more predictions:
For McCain to win;
1. Apologize to America for not being a rock star, just a real person who really cares (sarcastic).
2. Pick your VP yesterday.
3. Clarify that you suggested Barack Obama go to Iraq and Afghanistan to speak with the troops and the commanders on the ground, not going to Paris, self-serving presumptive speeches in front of the Germany Gates or visiting the middle east was ever suggested. OBAMA IS REPHRASING WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY SUGGESTED TO JUSTIFY HIS WORLD TOUR. By the way, Obama looked absurd in a yamaka and from what I hear, he spent less than 45 minutes with our troops and more time working out in his Four Season's gym. I'd mention that 62 times a day.
4. Stop being so soft. You want to win? Be a bulldog.
5. Repeat after me: "Which would you rather have? George Bush's 3rd term or Jimmy Carter's know, the one who caused the energy crisis 30 years ago by gas rationing and a national 55mph speed limit?" Let's not forget our current US President has been trying to get us more energy independent from the very beginning, it was the democrats who kept stopping him (and still do.) Obama is a democrat. Guilt by association.
6. Do an infomercial. Show charts. Show graphs.
7. Even though the liberal media is clearly spending much more time with Obama, it's beginning to show signs of backfire. I've been saying that since the beginning.
8. Tell America you're only interested in serving 1 term to prove it's America first.
9. Obama is part Muslim, yet he denies it. Offer the proof not to hold the Muslim roots against him, but asking "why" he denies them and what he's trying to hide. I'd certainly think twice about his motives, wouldn't you? He keeps talking about his grandmother, uncle, etc. What about his half brother? What's he ashamed of? Why did he remove 2 Muslim women from behind him at one of his rock concerts?
10. Repeat after me: "Obama is a coward afraid of one-on-one debating."
11. Stop micro-managing your own campaign. It's blatantly obvious you're doing this and it's not helping you at all.
12. Wear make-up. Hire a producer. I'd never have allowed a cheese aisle backdrop. Neither would any competant producer.
13. Tell us why when you go to Iraq and Afghanistan, you downplay it because you're not into grand standing to win an election. This might explain why no press joined you while there...the 9 times you've been.
14. Choose Mike Bloomberg or HILLARY CLINTON as your VP. Ouch!

For Obama to win:
1. Choose Hillary as your running mate or you just might lose. She's less full of crap than you are and perhaps Bill Clinton can keep you all under control.
2. We can all see through the big speeches in front of big crowds as having little to no substance. How about agreeing to those debates you kept saying you'd be happy to engage in?
3. Lower yourself and go into the heartland. We all know this is beneath you, but try.
4. Hope more Americans are stupid to vote for you than John McCain.
5. Wear flip-flops to complete the look.

That's all for now.

I'll be back again soon saying "I told you so" once again.

Ron Maestri

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Political Warshack Test.

First reactions to what's happening right now in politics.

1. On Dr. Zbigniew Brzenzski's interview on "Morning Joe" when asked about his advice to the next president-elect about Iran, "Negotiate by threatening stiffer sanctions"
---Just to be clear, you were Jimmy Carter's former national security advisor, the weak, pacifest US President who completely failed winning the freedom over 400 hostages abducted in Iran (and who single-handedly caused the Arab World to consider all Americans "weak" as a result)?

2. On Barack Obama's trip to Iraq-Afghanistan "bonding" with the troops to prove he's ready to be commander-in-chief?
---I could wear a lab coat and pretend to be doctor, too.

3. On Barack Obama's flip-flopping from one minute to the next?
---My neck hurts.

4. On John McCain's ability to convey his points clearly and effective public speaking?
---A crash course with Toastmasters should happen yesterday.

5. On the right answer of both presidential candidates when asked "In 2 words or less, what would be your response to Iran's threats against Israel?"
---Nuke 'em.

6. On San Francisco's ballot measure to change the name of the Oceanside Sewage Plant to the George W. Bush Sewage Facility.

7. On the liberal media's obvious, blatant love affair with Barack Obama?
---I'm now wearing a condom full-time.

8. On the title change I'm proposing for "Countdown with Keith Olberman" on MSNBC?
---Democrats "R" Us.

9. On the New York Time's refusal to print John McCain's oped, responding to Barack Obama's?
---Be afraid. Be very afraid.

10. On General Wesley Clark's advice on anything?
---Weren't you fired?

11. On democrats' (and Obama included) refusal to allow oil drilling, shale refining, nuclear facility building to wean America's independence on foreign oil?
---(See answer #1)

Well, there it is.

Ron Maestri

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Post Office.

I hate standing in line at the Post Office, but I still go because it's a necessary evil. Everyone thought it was a good idea, but now that I'm there, I realize I'm stuck standing in that line which is longer than I ever thought. It really makes no difference about whether or not I'm happy with my choice to go. I've started and now I need to finish or I've accomplished nothing.

I could leave early and go to another Post Office, but in the time it takes me to regroup and travel the distance to find another, I might just find the line to be even longer than the last and ultimately, what I thought could save me time ended up costing me so much more.

Ron Maestri

Saturday, July 19, 2008

An Open Letter to the National Media

When I first registered to vote over 20 years ago, I registered as a Democrat. I guess it was primarily because I thought since most people in my inner circle were of the same affiliation, that it was the right thing to do. I had no clue what the differences were between Republican and Democrat (as I suspect as is the case with most Americans today), except that Republicans gave me the impression they were a bunch of stodgy old guys representing the same party as Richard Nixon, who we all know was corrupt. Then Came Jimmy Carter, who single handedly botched the Iran Hostage Crisis and played into their impressions of us as being weak by neglecting to be more forceful than the pacifist in him ever would allow. This along with long lines at the pumps for gasoline rationing and a national 55 mph speed limit began the thoughts of party change in my mind. It was immediately after Ronald Reagan's inauguration and the subsequent release of our hostages from Iran that I immediately switched to Republican. Say what you want about those stodgy old guys, they are strong on defense and Reagan proved it. What Jimmy Carter couldn't do in all the months our hostages were held captive, Ronald Reagan achieved in 30 seconds after becoming our President. I'd have given anything to be a fly on the wall during that conversation with Ayatollah.

When George Bush ended the Gulf War (which I strongly supported) right before nabbing Saddam Insane, I switched again to Democrat. I don't get along with whimps and I believe Bush to be one after that mistake. Watching Saddam use this as a propaganda tool made me cringe and dislike George Bush and the Republican party.

Bill Clinton did well for me and I even voted for Al Gore in 2000. I was beyond pissed off when George W. stole the election, but God is my witness, I said to a close friend, "There's a bigger reason why this happened. I just know it."

On September 11, 2001, unfortuneately I was proved correct. It was a good thing a Republican was seated in the Oval Office because he took the right action which disproved any thoughts of weakness by terrorists and bin Laden himself. I'm sure it shocked them by our response. Say what you want about George W. Bush, but he was a helluva lot better than Al Gore ever would have been during all this(we'd still be begging for permission at the UN) or, dare I say it, Jimmy Carter. Did I think Bush could've handled Tora Bora better? Of course. Did I think The War in Iraq was necessary? Definitely. I still believe weapons of mass destruction were delivered to Syria under cover. This was reported by Israel, not by our own intelligence.

Now living in New York (again) and faced with the prospect of registering to vote here, I chose instead to become an Independent. I have found myself to be a social liberal and a fiscal conservative with strong national defense opinions. Since that represents a little of both, I went smack dab in the middle as an Independent. But something happened when I did. Suddenly I found myself stepping away from the tendency to defend positions on either the left or the right and to look at everything from an open minded frame of reference, you know, like the judges in our legal ought to do? Now, instead of defending Democrats when I was a registered Democrat or Republicans when I was a registered Republican, I have a free, unbiased perspective. Honestly, I still don't know who I will vote for in November.

Unfortunately, it's easier to see more clearly when news networks like MSNBC devote so much more time to Barack Obama's campaign clearly in an attempt to to assist the candidate in getting elected more so than John McCain's, who they obviously dislike. Every show's main topic is always Barack Obama with John McCain as a strained aside. But here's a news flash for those newsies everywhere (not just MSNBC but all of them), instead of gulping down what you're subliminally force feeding me, I want to go in the opposite direction. The best way I can describe this comes from an interview with Desi Arnaz on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson when both were alive. He was telling of how he came to choose William Frawley as Fred on "I Love Lucy". He said that the more that CBS executives resisted that possible choice, the more he liked him. Bingo. If MSNBC and all the major networks would just stay middle of the road presenting the facts (and scheduling their guest appearances) that way, I'd be less likely to dislike one candidate over another, not because of something the candidates themselves may have said, but because I don't appreciate being force fed. For proof of this, watch "Countdown with Keith Olberman" for a week on MSNBC. He's a classic example of what I'm saying here. Now, don't get me wrong. I would love to work for MSNBC. I even sent Steve Capus, NBC News President an e-mail about my own show "Ronn & Summer" ( as a possible late night show for the network and I think Chuck Todd, Andrea Mitchell, Pat Buchanan, David Gregory and Joe Scarborough are the exceptions. Some of the harshest criticism I've ever heard about John McCain's campaign has come from Joe Scarborough (Republican) on "Morning Joe", but I appreciate his candor and his honesty. He clearly has no hidden agenda, which is more than I can say for most other anchors on MSNBC.

What about Fox News Channel? Yes, they seem to be more fair and balanced as they claim, but with the Jesse Jackson recent snafu off air and on mike, Fox was quick to release this to anyone who wanted it. Even though they refused to release his "N-word" comment, they still were quick to release the details. I wonder if Fox would have been so quick to release a damaging snafu by John McCain if the tables were turned. Honestly, I seriously doubt they would have.

In closing, I offer some friendly advice to all news channels and national press. You're journalists. You're professionals with college degrees. What would your professors say about you right now based on your choices. Would they approve or disapprove?

Let people like me and millions of other Americans make their own informed choices, and keep things balanced and in perspective, please.


Ron Maestri

"How to Completely Miss the Boat", by Katie Couric

Attention all journalism students! Don't do this!

Katie Couric was at a popular Manhattan eatery recently on her way back to her $15 million dollar a year anchor job at CBS when she noticed a bunch of news paparazzi hovering around it. When she asked one of the photographers who the fuss was all about, she was told A-Rod was inside eating. Our Katie pressed her face up against the window to get her own first hand look catching the eye of A-Rod, who waved her in to join him.
(Tuesday, 7/15/08 New York Post, page 5)

Does Katie, a celebrated "journalist" earn her pay and take him up on the offer to snag an exclusive with the most sought after celebrity of our day?

No. She waved him off waltzed away, probably late for her nail appointment before going back to work.

Now, let's review. A-Rod has been all over the news about (1) his divorce with C-Rod, (2) possible fling with Madonna, (3) secret trist(s) with strippers, some of whom have already hinted at such a thing but have never admitted to it directly.

What was Katie thinking? Clearly, she wasn't. She obviously missed "Barbara Walters Day" at Columbia.

Even I, not a journalist, took out a videocamera from my trunk when I was smack dab in the middle of the Big Bear earthquake several years ago while vacationing there, taping the damage first-hand, complete with producer-style interviews of the victims who gave play-by-play walk-throughs at their homes. Even though ALL roads in/out were closed of Big Bear after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake (with over $500,000 damage to the Big Bear Hotel, where I was staying), I found a way out and b-lined it CNN, KNBC, KTLA, KCOP, KABC and KCBS to sell my footage. They all jumped at the chance and I earned more money than I paid for my vacation.

Give me that $15 million dollar a year anchoring job to basically read a TelePrompTer and I promise, when a golden opportunity like the one Katie was too self-absorbed to recognize, will be had. I'd have been on my cell immediately requesting a news crew (you don't think Katie had the clout to do that?) and I would have gotten the answers to the questions straight from the horses mouth. My news director would be my friend because an exclusive "Must See TV" moment on that night's newscast and my Promotions Dept. would have something exciting to do.

But not our Katie.

I wonder what color nail polish she chose.

Ron Maestri

Perplexing, Isn't It?

That New Yorker cartoon cover in yesterday's issue was GREAT. It was obvious sarcasm and it was very, very funny. Anyone without a sense of humor or lacking brain cells would see it as the Obama camp and the candidate himself. McCain should have never reacted to it except to say, "It's a cartoon. It's a joke. Ever read MAD Magaine?"

Remember that cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad wearing a hat of explosives and how it offended the Muslim community? Remember our reaction to such over-reaction to a dopey cartoon? Compare it to the same reaction from Obama and his crew.

Perplexing, isn't it?

Not really, when you consider the lengths Obama has taken (sorry, but the fish always stinks from the head, so I don't place the scapegoat blame for this on his underlings) to remove any hint of Muslims in his camera shots. It stands to reason this candidate would be overly sensative to a cartoon showing he and his wife celebrating the burning of a flag with a portrait of bin Ladin those over-reacting Muslims.

Perplexing, isn't it?

Here's more: Last week, Bill Clinton accused POW's like John McCain as suddenly losing it unexpectantly. This from a man who dodged the draft and never inhaled. I guess people like Bill are most likely to cheat on their wives with interns half their age.

Perplexing, isn't it?

Obama is finally going overseas to prove he can handle running things in both wars. But wait, he's stopping in Europe first for some croissants and more blowfish speeches beforehand and then it's off the Mid-East with a scheduled stop next week in the West Bank, announced everywhere. Perhaps if Mr. Obama really did have a handle on things, he'd avoid grand-standing his schedule for obvious security reasons. It seems to me everytime John McCain ever went abroad, it was always for a surprise visit and no pre-grand-standing. Not so for Obama who needs Chuck Hagel to hold his hand and breast feed him.

Perplexing, isn't it?

Finally, George W. Bush stepped up to the plate yesterday and lifted the executive ban on oil drilling in the Continental Shelf. It's purely ceremonial though until Congress passes legistlation to support the move. If I were the Democratic leadership, I'd be freaking out right now because obviously, they wanted their candidate to win and then be the one behind such a move. If they don't follow through, then I'd imagine the negative backlash by most Americans who support such a move will filter to their candidate, now dead even in the polls with John McCain. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

Perplexing, isn't it?

Ron Maestri

No Doubt Hillary as VP

It's quite simple deduction. If Barack Obama wants to win The White House, he will add Hillary Clinton as his VP to the ticket. Since Mr. Obama has already proven he will say/do anything to get votes including selling his children, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind he'll choose Mrs. Clinton, even though he hates her for one simple reason: she upstages him. If I were advising him, I'd say, "Senator. Do you want to win or not? Then choose her. Put up with her. Get over it."

The whole Bill thing is just a diversion. Hillary upstages Barack and he knows it. His wife Michelle also hates her because she gets a lot more attention than her and her two kids, Malaria and Kasha..

You don't have to be a brain surgeon to see it.

Well, there it is.

Ron Maestri

Think Like a Terrorist.

To defeat terrorism, we need to think like terrorists. This means logic, trust and compassion are completely thrown out the window and can never be an option.

Case in point: It's easy to see that our recent pact with North Korea is authentic, but let's take it one step further and think like a terrorist. If you were Kim Jong Il and you wanted peace with the US AND more money, you'd probably work both sides against the middle. He was supposed to provide the US and its' partners a complete list of who they provided weapons grade uranium to, which it may have done...without including Syria. We all know from our own intelligence and Israel's destruction of their nuke facility, they did. The phone call from North Korea after submitting the documents to appease us, probably went to Syria basically blackmailing them. "Pay me more money to keep your name and all the specifics off the list." What would you do if you were Syria?

Which makes more sense? Trusting North Korea for finally coming around and seeing things our way or that they're working both sides?

Think like a terrorist and you'll laugh.

Here's another one. What's the best way to dramatically decrease suicide bombing? Go after their families and charge them with aiding and abetting. It's a crime here in the U.S., so why not over there? Instead of them considering such acts as being honorable, the families (and the would-be suicide bomber) will reconsider such stupidity if they knew they're own families would be imprisoned or killed. I'm sure the identity of the suicide bomber after the fact can be found with his DNA strewn everywhere.

You'd reconsider if you thought like a terrorist.

Want more? It's being reported that the Iranian leadership (mullahs) and the elites of Iran don't want war with the US and/or Israel despite their elected president's foolish rants to the contrary. How will they prove it? They'll assassinate him. This one is real easy to see when you think like terrorists.

Mark my words. It's much easier to beat terrorists when you think like them.

One more point off topic. I've been saying Barack Obama is basically a ho who will do/say ANYTHING to get himself elected. Reality check: he's disallowed any photos or interviews featuring his children declaring this would be crossing the line and that they were off limits. Now yesterday he's allowed them to be interviewed by Access Hollywood. I guess now even his kids can be used when necessary for any price.

That's the text book definition of a "Ho".

Ron Maestri


It baffles the mind how a member of the same party as the presidential candidate promising "change", refuses to do so.

Today on FNC Senator Menendez (D-NJ) argued profusely about not allowing drilling because it won't make any difference right now, even though he was presented with evidence to the contrary, which also included citing names of members from his own party who agreed they need to drill. This man was pig-headed about his way or the hi-way, refusing to change.

Again, I say: It baffles the mind how a member of the same party as the presidential candidate promising "change", refuses to do so.

Pay attention, America! I lived through Jimmy Carter. Here he comes again.

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Ron Maestri

Reality Check.

I really wish these news people would do their jobs properly instead of hiding behind their own hidden agendas to get Barack Obama elected, no matter what he says. Their questions are shallow and they're clearly biased against McCain.

MSNBC's Chris Matthews is a joke. His show doesn't play hardball. It doesn't even play ball. His topic is always pontification about how Obama could make things better and any guests he invites on always represent either Obama's campaign or democratic strategists. Watch him for a week and you'll see how unbalanced the whole thing is.

NBC obviously sets the guidelines for "Morning Joe" by always having the spokesman from the Obama Campaign on during the 7AM hour, and if they're lucky, the McCain camp gets to have their say in the 8AM hour. Here's a reality check: 7AM has a much higher HUT level (households using television) during the week than 8AM. It makes sense since most people shower/get ready/leave for work by 8AM. So, let's call it for what it is.

MSNBC's Keith Olberman should issue disclaimers at the beginning of his shows "Attention: This show is slanted left. We hate the right and we are proud of it. Want unbiased? Go somewhere else."

And why are they all so quick to defend Obama's waffling on the war in Iraq? "Well, he still will bring troops home in 16 months." Reality check: your candidate clarified his position by saying he'd first consult with generals on the ground." Well, alright, then in 16 months if his generals tell him we should stay, then what? WHY AREN'T THESE QUESTIONS BEING ASKED?

We keep hearing how it was all Bush's fault we're in the economic mess we're in right now. Reality check: a democratically controlled congress has refused his pleas to drill domestically for more oil and have refused to make permanent his tax cuts.

Polls show most Americans believe themselves to be democrats, rather than republicans. Reality check: have you met average Americans? They have no idea what the differences are. They plan to walk blindly to the polls to vote for change without bothering to comprehend the ramifications. These are the same people who blindly signed for mortgages they couldn't afford because they didn't read the fine print, and are now in foreclosure. Obama votes 90+ times in the Senate to increase taxes on people earning over $32,000 /year. That means less money for those schmucks who think they're democrats.

Obama is a ho. He'll say/do anything to get himself elected. He said today that if John McCain wants to have a debate about the economy, I'll do it anytime. Reality check: John McCain has been trying to debate Barack Obama, but he keeps turning it down. He's too busy pandering to everyone about everything with his larger than life scripted speeches and he has an ego larger than the stadium he's decided to hold his convention in. How elitest is that? The whole mother, grandmother, food stamps garbage is a load of crap.

If news people would just set their own agendas aside and stay neutral like they're Columbia educators taught them to be, independents like me could cull the facts and make our own informed choice for president without being force fed, which causes resistance.

"Resistance is futile."

Ron Maestri

Joe Scarborough ROCKS!

It's such a pleasure waking up each weekday morning with "Morning Joe" on MSNBC. He's light, personable and very, very fair to parties on both sides of the aisle.

The other night on "Race For The White House" on MSNBC, Joe filled in for David Gregory and pulled no punches during Obama's recent backpeddle about the Iraq war. He played back the comments from answers to Charles Gibson's interview 6 months ago on ABC where he committed to returning our troops "no later than 16 months, no matter what." Fast forward to the present, and there is our candidate of change, changing his tune. Every single member of Joe's panel shook their heads about this one except for left wing Wendy whats-her-name dancer, choreographer, host, voice-over and legend in her own mind on AirAmerica (each guest writes their own intro). "That's not what he said. You're misinterpreting."

Joe: "I'm not misinterpreting anything. I'm listening to plain English."

Wendy: "Yes you are. You missed what he was saying entirely."

Joe: "Play it back."


Wendy: "Well, that's not what he really meant".

How embarassing. Honey, it's a duck.

It's a real shame when those on the far left and also on the far right allow their own feelings to misguide the facts. Let's review: SHUT UP, and LISTEN. I had the same issue for all senators questioning General David Patreaus when he was invited to update Congress about the war in Iraq. They all gave their stupid speeches in advance of asking one question or bothering to let the General do what he was invited there to do in the first place: give us his assessment of how things were really going on the ground. I'd call that bass-ackwards. Pandering for votes, members of both parties were each guilty. Obviously, Miss Wendy, an extremist on the left, was as well responding to Obama's before and after on Iraq. Get your nails done, babe.

Joe Scarborough, clearly a centrist (and former republican congressman), calm, collected, with only the facts on his side, represents the majority point of view. Why isn't HE running for president?

Now, let me say that any candidate unwilling to change their perspective on anything is pig headed and out of touch because life changes. Those unwilling to change are called MY PARENTS. So, change is good. I have absolutely no problem with Obama's willingness to change. I'm actually encouraged by it. What I hate is politicians who refuse to see the light no matter how bright because they're more worried about pleasing their own party and keeping their cushy jobs than what they should be focused on: US.

What I do have a problem with, however, is Obama's mamby-pamby answer to the reason for his change. Here's a hint from marketing 101: if you try to reach everyone, your message gets diluted.

I'm sending my reel to AirAmerica. Clearly, they need me.

Ron Maestri

Obama the Ho?

As the presidential campaign lingers on, we're all beginning to see the true colors of our friend Barack Obama. He's a ho.

Demonstrating his willingness to pander to the right now that he thinks he's locked up the left, Obama did an about face on his positions on campaign finance, NAFTA, welfare reform, faith based initiatives and even military service. Even the Wall Street Journal has accused him of running for George W. Bush's 3rd term in today's edition. Not too far off, if you ask me. The bottom line is blatantly obvious: Barack Obama is willing to do and say anything to get himself elected. What he ultimately does if successful is anyone's guess. I'll even go one step further and speculate even HE doesn't know yet, either.

I'm beginning to applaud John McCain's "strategy" (whether planned or accidental) to take a back seat approach to his own campaign. Letting Barack Obama self destruct seems to be in the cards. It's what we used to predict in Hollywood for celebrities too big for their britches. After all, the election is Obama's to lose. Pass the popcorn, please.

Final thought: let's relate the current foreclosure debacle with America's willingness to vote for Barack Obama. Those same Americans who signed on the bottom line without reading the fine print (and who are now in foreclosure) are the same Americans willing to elect a candidate of change without reading Obama's fine print: higher taxes, higher gas prices and less money to spend on themselves.

Now that's a change I can certainly believe in.

Ron Maestri


It's makes me crazy when news anchors and other high profile TV personalities blatantly lie to placate their audience. Case in point: "Fox and Friends" co-anchor Brian whats-his-name's comment several weeks ago that "he couldn't wait to receive his stimulus check from the IRS" was a lie. Stimulus checks were sent only to those Americans earning less than $75,000 per year. Fox fact: Brian earns over $1,000,000 per year as "Fox and Friends" featured regular host; has his own chauffer driven town car to and from work every morning along with a hefty clothing budget. Now, either Brian needs to fire his agent or he's blatantly lieing. I choose the latter because I happen to know better.

Not long afterward on the same network (Fox News Channel), featured host E.D. Hill sniped "These high gas prices are killing me". Fox fact: anyone with their name in the title of the show earns over $1,000,000 per year as does Ms. Hill; has her own chauffer driven town car to and from work every morning along with a hefty clothing budget. Now, either E.D. needs to fire her agent or she's blatantly lieing. Again, I choose the latter because I happen to know better.

Today on MSNBC, Mika whats-her-name complained about higher Starbucks prices. They were just killing her. If Mika earns less than $1,000,000 per year; doesn't have her own chauffer driven town car taking her to and from work every morning and doesn't have a hefty clothing budget, she needs to get a new agent or move over to Fox. I think we're all beginning to know better.

It's insulting to think how stupid they think we really are when they lie to us.

When I had the honor of working as a show host for QVC several years ago, the one golden rule I took from there (and appreciated most) was, never lie. If you didn't love something, then don't say you do. Only present its' strengths. Always be honest. Let's review: honesty represents the highest possible integrity any company can demonstrate. Believe me, coming from the world of infomercials, this really meant something. This might explain why more than 10% of the available quantity are pre-sold each midnight right before QVC formally presents it's Today's Special Value. The audience trusts their intergrity. That's what honesty buys you. An audience of trust.

Perhaps our news friends could learn something from all this.

Ron Maestri


Has anyone noticed how surrogates for the candidates speak more clearly than they do?

Surrogates for President.

I'd have a party if rumors about Israel bombing Iran nuke facilities were true.

Wolf Blitzer's voice gets on my nerves.

Obama's soundbite to political contributors to help Hillary with her debt was just that...a sound bite.

Comedians also know how to work the room, except we get laughs.

I'm going to win the lottery.

My birthday is 06-15-60. That's three 6's when you add the 1 and the 5. It only means I'm a little devil.

Why can't we just?

Don't buy anything from an infomercial. I used to produce them.

Joan Collins is a ho.

I'm a double gemini. I wouldn't wish this hell on anyone...except Oprah.

Just saw the movie "Hairspray". Absolutely incredible. Better than the Broadway show.

Couldn't John Travolta at least try to sound like a woman?

Dig up Devine.

I want to smash a yodel in Neil Cavuto's face.

Ron Maestri


I see things as they really are.

I paid attention to the man behind the curtain.

I think Lou Dobbs is not of this world.

Fox News Channel has too many commercials.

I want Joe Scarborough's job. He shows up never.

Farting is fundamental.

"Wild N' Out" is BRILLIANT. So is Graham Norton.

I love to hate, but hate to love.

I think Bill O'Reilly secretly wears women's underwear.

John McCain doesn't have "it". He needs a VP who does.

Don Imus and those who think/speak like him, needs to die.

Think we need more government? Visit Social Security and try begging for your own money.

MSNBC is "The Barack Obama Channel".

"Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" is a chick flick.

I hate chick flicks, except for "Beaches" and "The Butcher's Wife". They were exceptions to my rule.

There are no rules.

If you lived B.C., would you know it?

Why are purses so important to women?

Europeans think Americans are too uptight.

France has a porn channel available on regular TV.

Someone else needs to dress Shepard Smith.

I love cigars, but would never accept one from Bill.

Hillary keeps sending me money requests.

I gave $1 to the homeless guy on the subway.

The mayor from a city in Indiana who drives a Hummer is a moron.

If God created man in his own image, John Lithgow is God.

Why no re-runs of "3rd Rock from the Sun"?

Cher is God, too.

I prefer single ply toilet paper.

Ron Maestri

Change? O-k, Show Us.

I find it amazing that a party that touts "change" with a presidential candidate who claims he's a Washington outsider, refuses to change their headstrong position on seeking alternatives to the present broken system by allowing offshore drilling for more oil, which is only hurting their constituents. But who really cares about them anyway, right? They're not running for election.

I had no problem with Obama's change of heart about whether or not to accept public financing. I would have done the same thing. What I do have a problem with though is his reason. 'It's all John McCain's fault, not mine' was basically his message. If it were me, I would have just told it like it was. "Hey, I've raised so much more money through private contributions which is a testament to the power of the message this campaign will take all the way to the White House, that I've changed my mind and have decided to forge ahead without public financing. Hey, I want to win". Honesty. Revolutionary. This is what is expected of anyone claiming to be a Washington outsider. Obama missed the ball again and has proven by his own actions that he really isn't. He's yet another politician who can't speak the truth and will say or do whatever it takes to get that Washington job. I'm also tired of the pundits writing it off as "well, he's a politician. That's what they do." No, they don't. Doesn't anybody get it? That's what we're all tired of. That's the change we all really want.

Change is good. Not the words, the action. Why? Times change. Life changes. I love wearing t-shirts and shorts in the summer on a sunny day, but when it rains, I change. Those who are stubborn refusing to change get all wet. You know, like the ones who have controlled congress for almost 4 years, refusing to change their stubborn left wing positions on everything related to oil drilling, clean nuclear power, illegal immigration controls, to name just a few. Where's that change they're all talking about?

Does anyone really think electing a democratic president during a period of a democratically controlled congress will accomplish anything other than raisiong taxes and increasing government which has always been in the way. That NOT the change I want. (Visit the Social Security Administration once in a while and you'll just how efficient our government really is.)

The greatest thing about John McCain is that he's always been honest. He shoots straight and he says it like it is. Best of all, he's proven to be open minded enough to realize he needed to change when change was appropriate. He reminds me of my parents who put they're foot down about something, but were open minded enough to listen to reasoning, and then changed.

That's the change that I can count on from my next president.

Ron Maestri

Obama Sucks.

Recent reports in the news about Barack Obama are the whole reason I, along with the majority of Americans, hate politicians.

This morning on Fox News Channel, clearly more fair and balanced than any of the other national news networks, reported that two Muslim women wearing head scarves were told to move by Obama staffers from their seats directly behind the candidate in camera shot. Clearly, Obama is still sensitive about his Muslim roots and felt it necessary to make such a maneuver. That's called manipulation. I, who spent years casting audiences, also can clearly see there's a lot more to this than meets the eye. The audience we always see directly behind him in camera shot during every scripted campaign speech is predominantly white. Look real hard and you'll never see any African-Americans. Does anyone else find this odd considerting his high African American support? I contend that if the racial make-up of the people seen in his direct camera shot (some 50 or so) represented the make up of his actual audience, we would see a lot more African Americans than none.

So let me get this straight. No Muslims. No African Americans. All whites; men and women in his direct shots. Flag pin on, then off, then on again to appease those who are still "bitter" about their lives. Denounce your church and your pastor for inflamatory comments 20 years later when you need to get elected to the highest national office. Oh, and has anyone taken the opportunity to reasearch what he did to the incumbant candidate to basically steal the election for his state senate seat in Illinois by questioning her petition signatures at the last minute? "No comment. That was a long time ago."

No senator, it wasn't. I'm a New Yorker and we speak our minds. You're full of crap. I only hope America will see you for what and who you really are. I know I can.

Ron Maestri

Fighting Fire with Fire.

If I were John McCain, I'd fight fire with Barack Obama's "George Bush's 3rd Term" fire by reminding the American people that a democratic controlled congress has basically done bupkiss in the last 4 years, with he being a voice in that majority. Gridlock, long vacations, failure to support the troops without tons of pork and political posturing, amounting to disagreements on practically every single thing as a result of weak leadership and hollow promises with nothing of any real substance getting done, except for stimulus checks for all Americans as was proposed by George W. Bush. Let's not forget since the democrats took over leadership almost 4 years ago, the price of gasoline has more than doubled and we still have no real solution about border security. Except for stimulus and an increase in the minimum wage, can anyone count on one hand anything else that congress has achieved in last 4 years?" I know I can't.

It seems to me that since it's congress that represents the legislative branch of government that writes the laws that effect us, the real question should be, "Are your lives better now than they were 4 years ago?"

I'd take the George Bush's 3rd term argument over that one any day.

Just my opinion.

Ron Maestri

Play Chess.

As I sit here on Sunday (my birthday) watching an encore presentation and homage to Tim Russert of "Meet The Press" from last week (6/08/08), I realize that everything the panel is saying with respect to the demise of the Clinton campaign, contains all the lessons practically gift boxed for John McCain. All he has to do is step away from their egos and learn.

It's obvious the Obama team has done their homework. Democrat, republican or independent can't deny his people have it together. The most recent news that his campaign is courting the Evangelicals is nothing short of brilliant. Mr. McCain, your base is slowly getting eaten away from right behind you. Obviously, those running Obama's show (and perhaps even the candidate himself) play a mean game of chess. Anyone who knows the game knows exactly what I'm saying, because these are classic winning moves. It's also obvious the McCain camp doesn't play and probably thinks they're far too busy and/or way above all that to focus on such a ridiculous notion. Remember the film, "War Games", where the key to winning the game was to teach the master computer the most important lesson by playing the most basic of games, tic-tac-toe? "The only winning solution is not to play." Of course, that was a completely different game entirely, but it always boils down to the lowest common denominator. Don't tell me what the chair is made of before you tell me how comfortable it is. Classic sales strategy.

The McCain camp is making the most basic mistakes any chess player would laugh at. Get your opponent to move his men over here while you're destroying his army over there. Also, pawns are not to be taken lightly and your king should be used sparingly. The whole game is a metaphor that teaches very important life lessons. I should like to remind those who plan the war that the game of chess was invented by the Iranians.

Let me be blunt: John McCain has an ego. Having worked in Hollywood for as long as I have coddling oversized celebrity egos, it's easy to see. I know first hand ego is a terrible, terrible thing. Those who think their stuff don't stink emit the foulest stench of them all and always are the first to make the most foolish mistakes. Watching "Meet The Press" and listening to an entire panel analyze the Clinton's biggest mistakes including taking the leaders of the party and the voters themselves for granted was the beginning of the end for them. Watch and learn Mr. McCain. Arnold Schwarzenegger once said you could make the best film in the world but it would mean nothing if you don't promote it properly. Take notes, senator. You're losing.

I can clearly see it, and I believe the majority of Americans can too. Step out of your skin and your ego for a minute and look at everything objectively. If I were you, I'd take the gloves off because times are going to get even more desperate. Your opponent already has almost a 10 point lead ahead of you in the polls. Recent history has shown us he'll keep it. Stop telling yourself anything else except, "I'm losing. I need to change course, NOW."

I'd tell the world the truth, if I were you. He's not agreeing to debate because he's afraid. Do we really want a wimp running things right now? One of his own supporters General Wesley Clark said last week on "Morning Joe" that if he were advising the new president on how to handle the war in Iraq, he'd tell them he should talk to General David Patraeus...and to... WAIT. STOP THE WORLD! The last time I looked, YOU spoke to General Patraeus in person on numerous occasions, and Barack Obama hasn't in over 3 years. I'd work the room on that one.

Destroy his pawns. It is possible for pawns to checkmate the king. Break his economic plan down piece by piece and destroy it.

It's hard to look at someone you're almost twice as old as and realize you're losing this war on the presidency, but the first step is coming to the conclusion that this is what is happening and it will only get worse. Then, get over it and move. Surround him. Some very smart chess moves in the process could make the difference between your checkmating him or the reverse will happen to you unless you do something...ELSE.

Ron Maestri

How McCain Can Win.

I've come to the conclusion that if the election were tomorrow, Barack Obama would cinch it. Clearly, he has taken this campaign to all new heights by continuing to keep John McCain on the defensive. This coupled with the fact that NBC and MSNBC are so tilted towards him (Chris Matthews isn't a journalist. He's color commentator for the Obama campaign every night on MSNBC: The Barack Obama Channel), that there's only one simple solution for Mr. McCain to go from defensive to offensive: NAME YOUR VP NOW.
Think about it. We already know who John McCain is, so why not demonstrate change by never really saying it. By naming your VP now, you'd be breaking from tradition and literally changing all the rules. All the news, including NBC and MSNBC would have no other choice but to focus on you, your maverick idea and your nominee. MSNBC and NBC are so desperate for anything democratic, they're still talking about Hillary when the rest of us (and her) have clearly moved on. I'd give anything to see Mr. Matthews' jaw drop at that one. It might even make him speechless.

All the pressure from right wing conservatives would disappear and you have re-written the rules with one simple stroke.

Here are some more tips:

Whether you care to admit it or not, you're a salesman. We all are, no matter what profession we're in. So sell us. The first rule of selling on television is to speak to one person, not a group of us or ever refer to us as folks. There isn't a crowd of people watching you on TV. Even if there were, you're still talking to one person: ME. Speak to me by looking into the camera and saying, "You". Use "fellow Americans" sparingly, and since obviously you're shy in front of big crowds (sorry, but your economic speech the other night still couldn't hide the fact that you had less than 100 people in the room even though you were careful never to let us see them), turn the negative into a positive (another selling tip on TV). "I'm not into big crowds or grandstanding like my rock star wannabe opponent. I'm more of a one-on-one kind of guy. I speak to you because I care about you and your family.

A lot more eye contact one-on-one to the camera would be a much more beneficial. When you're on camera no matter how many or how few are in your studio audience, WE'RE THE AUDIENCE, not them. Even Barack Obama hasn't figured this one out yet, but trust me, he will.

Never forget to keep me watching. I dozed off 3 times during your last speech. If I'm not watching, I can't hear the message, can I? Barack Obama doesn't do that to me.

Tear apart his plan, piece by piece. Do the same with his voting record. A few jabs about the on again, off again flag pin would be cute.

Finally, and this is VERY IMPORTANT. After ever single line, make sure what you're answering the questions we're all asking you, "Why should I care?" and more specifically, "What does this mean for me?" In the world of selling on TV, we call that features and benefits.

(Feature) "My tax plan means lower taxes"
(Benefit) "That means when I'm elected, you'll have more money to spend at the grocery store."
Even go one step further for the benefit of the benefit:
(Benefit of the Benefit) "More money for gas. More money for the kids and the quality time we all seem to lose sight of when things get too tight."

You get the idea. Take everything one step further, hearing me ask you, "Why should I care?" and "What does this mean for me?"
I feel compelled to help the underdog, especially considering my last party affiliation was republican before registering as an independent and I have a great deal of respect for John McCain. I'm still leery about Barack Obama, and NBC's embarrassing tilt towards his direction doesn't help much either. Anyone catch "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams" soon after Mr. Obama's win of the party nomination? Practically the entire show was dedicated to him, and then a few days later, a brief segment was dedicated to John McCain, with the rest available on their website, a navigational nightmare no doubt.

Honestly, Barack Obama is beginning to work for me. His 50-state plan was nothing short of brilliant, even though I'd guess it was just a head fake. Take my advice and the ball, Mr. McCain. You can be the star. It's independents like me who can make or break you and right now I'm openly saying, "Hey, I'm still undecided. Yes YOU CAN!"


Ron Maestri

P.S. Get your wife to dress you as fabulous as she does for herself. You're looking a bit frumpy. And no, I'm not suggesting wearing a leather blazer.

I've Been Telling You So!

As fans of my blog from yesterday (June 9, 2008 7:30AM) already knew before John McCain made the exact same statement last night on "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams", Barack Obama is basically this centuries' Jimmy Carter. Those closest to me also know I've been saying the same thing throughout the entire nominating process. How did I come to that conclusion so early? Because I lived through the Carter debacle called an administration. I watched as some southern peanut farmer who no-one knew except for those in his home state of Georgia (if you have a chance, miss it) say the same things Obama is saying now to get himself elected. Nothing. Pure soundbites. ("I need more soundbites, dammit. They're eating this stuff up!") "I promise to change." "The American people deserve more." "I'll fight for the average American." For those not around during the mid 70's, Carter easily won the White House against a corrupt republican administration just changed to Gerald Ford, who did his best to help the country move on from Nixon and Watergate. Most Americans never forgave him for forgiving Nixon, and now a big fat "I told you so" is in order. Instead of re-electing Ford, truly a great American cut short in his prime as our nation's leader, we chose Mr. Ignorant who caused huge lines at the gas pumps, 21% interest rates, opinions about nuclear proliferation from his pre-teen daughter Amy (he actually quoted her during a last straw debate with Ronald Reagan), a much weaker dollar than we have now and my biggest pet peave of them all, buckling under when our Americans were held hostage by the Iranians. They laughed at how weak we were (sanctions, sanctions, sanctions) and even released them immediately after Reagan took office. (I'll bet that phone conversation was to the point.) Even to this day, Jimmy Carter is still a walking moron. I say we wrap him in plastic and ship him COD to the Bronx. I'd stand in that line to give him a real cheer.

Now, if Mr. McCain or someone from his camp happen to be one of those who perhaps read yesterday's blog and got the idea of mentioning Jimmy Carter's name, kudos to you. Here are some more helpful hints:

1. What were you doing for the 4 months of democratic infighting? You should have had your plan well developed and well organized and all your necessary fund raising completed. Lose the ego. It's your greatest enemy. Yes, we respect who you are, now move on and prove it a lot more. Yesterday, Barack Obama gave an incredible speech about the economy, then your camp came out and said, "We'll have one on Tuesday". TUESDAY? Why haven't you already come up with one? You were a POW in Vietnam and you served your country well. We get it. Move along little doggy.

2. Two words: ROTATE EQUALLY. The amount of airtime you've purchased which your campaign seems hell bent on dedicating to one commercial is foolish. Create more. One about the economy. One about the environment. One about what you plan to do for me. Then, add them to the mix and tell your stations to ROTATE EQUALLY. Hit your opponent from all different directions. Watch boxing.

3. Why don't you have an infomercial? I offered to produce one for Hillary and now I'm extending the same invitation to you. Infomercials are 30 minute commercials which explain with information. They are much more cost effective than short form spots (:30 and :60) and answer the most basic questions we all still have. It can also be uplinked to your website and made available to the national media who would eat it up. That's called FREE PUBLICITY. Right now they're all still talking about Obama and Hillary. Why aren't they talking about you. It's not about them. It's always about you. If you're not willing to accept responsibilities for your mistakes, then you make 2 each time.

4. Whiten your teeth

5. USE THE INTERNET. Every message, every spot, every infomercial, everything should be uploaded. Let's not forget to work the room, and it's not just filled with conservative evangelicals.

6. If you spend any money or waste any time in California, you've been checkmated.


As an independent, I feel compelled to offer advice to the other side as well.

1. Mr. Obama, your economy speech yesterday was RIGHT ON! You said all the right things all of us have been dying for you to finally say. What took you so long? KEEP IT UP! Read everything I've said to John McCain, and use it, which clearly you're doing. Now get out there and say those things up close and personal in all the states you lost.

2. The Reverand Wright BS isn't over. Make it end by saying more about who you are and your beliefs. Why didn't Romney win their nomination? Exactly.

3. Don't choose Hillary. Her biggest mistake all along was Bill. Don't make him yours. When you meet with him and he asks why not, show him Vanity Fair. Playback his foolish comment in South Carolina. Then laugh. He's an albatross, and the real shame is that he has absoluterly nothing to do with her worthiness, but it was her bed and she chose to lie in it. Pun intended.

That's all for now.

I hate humidity.

Ron Maestri

Independent Speak

I'm a newly registered independent because I'm tired of hearing, "Do the right thing for the good of the party." Screw party politics! Now that Barack Obama is the presumptive nominee for the democrats, his thin soundbites will go from 'change, change, change' to 'do what's good for the party.' You mean the party who has controlled congress for the last 3 years and done nothing for me, an American? You mean the same party that screwed their own candidate and 2 states in the process of a debacle called delegate and vote counting? Hey Barack, smell the coffee. What are you going to do for me? What's your plan (not a soundbite) for lowering gas prices and making us more energy independent? What's your plan to make my country safer? What do you plan to do to lower taxes? How do you expect to get this monstrosity called government out of our way? Do you even know what you're doing, or are you another captain of the Titanic who was too damn stubborn to heed iceburg warnings? Why haven't you visited Iraq in over 900 days? Your excuse that you don't have to go because you can plan from here are like saying there's no need to see the beauty of Alaska up close, you get everything you need from the brochures.

Republicans suck too. Will someone please tell Mr. McCain to wear some damn make-up on camera? It's not brain surgery. Amateurs are running his campaign, because the most obvious, stupid mistakes keep getting made. His snickering comes off as sinister. His ridiculous speeches in front of a handful of supporters and a puke green background look small, not big. And for god sakes, watch the damn news. All the pundits have practically written the map for success, yet he keeps doing the opposite and staying the laughing stock.

A lot of very stupid, easily fooled people live in this country. They're falling for the change from an attractive young black man crap. Barack Obama is the 21st century's Jimmy Carter, destined to become the worst, weakest president in our nation's history if we're foolish enough to elect him without hearing about the steak, not just the sizzle..

Hey McCain...use this stuff.

Ron Maestri