Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fighting Fire with Fire.

If I were John McCain, I'd fight fire with Barack Obama's "George Bush's 3rd Term" fire by reminding the American people that a democratic controlled congress has basically done bupkiss in the last 4 years, with he being a voice in that majority. Gridlock, long vacations, failure to support the troops without tons of pork and political posturing, amounting to disagreements on practically every single thing as a result of weak leadership and hollow promises with nothing of any real substance getting done, except for stimulus checks for all Americans as was proposed by George W. Bush. Let's not forget since the democrats took over leadership almost 4 years ago, the price of gasoline has more than doubled and we still have no real solution about border security. Except for stimulus and an increase in the minimum wage, can anyone count on one hand anything else that congress has achieved in last 4 years?" I know I can't.

It seems to me that since it's congress that represents the legislative branch of government that writes the laws that effect us, the real question should be, "Are your lives better now than they were 4 years ago?"

I'd take the George Bush's 3rd term argument over that one any day.

Just my opinion.

Ron Maestri

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