Saturday, July 19, 2008

Think Like a Terrorist.

To defeat terrorism, we need to think like terrorists. This means logic, trust and compassion are completely thrown out the window and can never be an option.

Case in point: It's easy to see that our recent pact with North Korea is authentic, but let's take it one step further and think like a terrorist. If you were Kim Jong Il and you wanted peace with the US AND more money, you'd probably work both sides against the middle. He was supposed to provide the US and its' partners a complete list of who they provided weapons grade uranium to, which it may have done...without including Syria. We all know from our own intelligence and Israel's destruction of their nuke facility, they did. The phone call from North Korea after submitting the documents to appease us, probably went to Syria basically blackmailing them. "Pay me more money to keep your name and all the specifics off the list." What would you do if you were Syria?

Which makes more sense? Trusting North Korea for finally coming around and seeing things our way or that they're working both sides?

Think like a terrorist and you'll laugh.

Here's another one. What's the best way to dramatically decrease suicide bombing? Go after their families and charge them with aiding and abetting. It's a crime here in the U.S., so why not over there? Instead of them considering such acts as being honorable, the families (and the would-be suicide bomber) will reconsider such stupidity if they knew they're own families would be imprisoned or killed. I'm sure the identity of the suicide bomber after the fact can be found with his DNA strewn everywhere.

You'd reconsider if you thought like a terrorist.

Want more? It's being reported that the Iranian leadership (mullahs) and the elites of Iran don't want war with the US and/or Israel despite their elected president's foolish rants to the contrary. How will they prove it? They'll assassinate him. This one is real easy to see when you think like terrorists.

Mark my words. It's much easier to beat terrorists when you think like them.

One more point off topic. I've been saying Barack Obama is basically a ho who will do/say ANYTHING to get himself elected. Reality check: he's disallowed any photos or interviews featuring his children declaring this would be crossing the line and that they were off limits. Now yesterday he's allowed them to be interviewed by Access Hollywood. I guess now even his kids can be used when necessary for any price.

That's the text book definition of a "Ho".

Ron Maestri

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