Saturday, July 19, 2008

I've Been Telling You So!

As fans of my blog from yesterday (June 9, 2008 7:30AM) already knew before John McCain made the exact same statement last night on "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams", Barack Obama is basically this centuries' Jimmy Carter. Those closest to me also know I've been saying the same thing throughout the entire nominating process. How did I come to that conclusion so early? Because I lived through the Carter debacle called an administration. I watched as some southern peanut farmer who no-one knew except for those in his home state of Georgia (if you have a chance, miss it) say the same things Obama is saying now to get himself elected. Nothing. Pure soundbites. ("I need more soundbites, dammit. They're eating this stuff up!") "I promise to change." "The American people deserve more." "I'll fight for the average American." For those not around during the mid 70's, Carter easily won the White House against a corrupt republican administration just changed to Gerald Ford, who did his best to help the country move on from Nixon and Watergate. Most Americans never forgave him for forgiving Nixon, and now a big fat "I told you so" is in order. Instead of re-electing Ford, truly a great American cut short in his prime as our nation's leader, we chose Mr. Ignorant who caused huge lines at the gas pumps, 21% interest rates, opinions about nuclear proliferation from his pre-teen daughter Amy (he actually quoted her during a last straw debate with Ronald Reagan), a much weaker dollar than we have now and my biggest pet peave of them all, buckling under when our Americans were held hostage by the Iranians. They laughed at how weak we were (sanctions, sanctions, sanctions) and even released them immediately after Reagan took office. (I'll bet that phone conversation was to the point.) Even to this day, Jimmy Carter is still a walking moron. I say we wrap him in plastic and ship him COD to the Bronx. I'd stand in that line to give him a real cheer.

Now, if Mr. McCain or someone from his camp happen to be one of those who perhaps read yesterday's blog and got the idea of mentioning Jimmy Carter's name, kudos to you. Here are some more helpful hints:

1. What were you doing for the 4 months of democratic infighting? You should have had your plan well developed and well organized and all your necessary fund raising completed. Lose the ego. It's your greatest enemy. Yes, we respect who you are, now move on and prove it a lot more. Yesterday, Barack Obama gave an incredible speech about the economy, then your camp came out and said, "We'll have one on Tuesday". TUESDAY? Why haven't you already come up with one? You were a POW in Vietnam and you served your country well. We get it. Move along little doggy.

2. Two words: ROTATE EQUALLY. The amount of airtime you've purchased which your campaign seems hell bent on dedicating to one commercial is foolish. Create more. One about the economy. One about the environment. One about what you plan to do for me. Then, add them to the mix and tell your stations to ROTATE EQUALLY. Hit your opponent from all different directions. Watch boxing.

3. Why don't you have an infomercial? I offered to produce one for Hillary and now I'm extending the same invitation to you. Infomercials are 30 minute commercials which explain with information. They are much more cost effective than short form spots (:30 and :60) and answer the most basic questions we all still have. It can also be uplinked to your website and made available to the national media who would eat it up. That's called FREE PUBLICITY. Right now they're all still talking about Obama and Hillary. Why aren't they talking about you. It's not about them. It's always about you. If you're not willing to accept responsibilities for your mistakes, then you make 2 each time.

4. Whiten your teeth

5. USE THE INTERNET. Every message, every spot, every infomercial, everything should be uploaded. Let's not forget to work the room, and it's not just filled with conservative evangelicals.

6. If you spend any money or waste any time in California, you've been checkmated.


As an independent, I feel compelled to offer advice to the other side as well.

1. Mr. Obama, your economy speech yesterday was RIGHT ON! You said all the right things all of us have been dying for you to finally say. What took you so long? KEEP IT UP! Read everything I've said to John McCain, and use it, which clearly you're doing. Now get out there and say those things up close and personal in all the states you lost.

2. The Reverand Wright BS isn't over. Make it end by saying more about who you are and your beliefs. Why didn't Romney win their nomination? Exactly.

3. Don't choose Hillary. Her biggest mistake all along was Bill. Don't make him yours. When you meet with him and he asks why not, show him Vanity Fair. Playback his foolish comment in South Carolina. Then laugh. He's an albatross, and the real shame is that he has absoluterly nothing to do with her worthiness, but it was her bed and she chose to lie in it. Pun intended.

That's all for now.

I hate humidity.

Ron Maestri

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